
Current Members

PhD Students

Deep learning applied to data augmentation and segmentation tasks in medical image analysis with a primary focus on skin lesion images. 

Adrian D'Alessandro

Weakly supervised object localization and counting, with a focus on agricultural applications.  

Explainable AI with a focus on medical imaging tasks.

Deep learning applied to fluorescence microscopy to help explain and quantify morphological changes to cellular domains, with a focus on discovering drug- and virus-induced biomarkers. 

MSc Students 

Detection and segmentation of tumors in 3D PET/CT scans with domain knowledge inspired deep learning. 

Graph neural networks for super-resolution microscopy point cloud data analysis for understanding biological structures.

Generative AI for Medical Imaging

External Visitors, Volunteers, and Interns

Alumni - Postdoctoral fellows

Alumni - PhD students

Alumni - MSc students

Alumni - External Visitors and Volunteers

Group Photos